Community Christian School offers Tennis for both boys and girls 6th through 12th grade. Our coaches are very knowledgeable in the sport and regularly play tennis. CCS has been a part of District competition in recent years coming in 2nd in Districts, team qualification for Regionals and State qualification for singles and doubles.
Head Coach: Sheri Freeland
Teaching Pro: Victor Kumar
Middle School Coach: Beth Murray
The Tennis season will begin on Monday, January 13. (no practice on MLK holiday) Practices will take place Mondays, Tuesdays & Thursdays from 3:30-5pm. Practice location: Tom Brown Park
Varsity Preseason Match: 1/27
Regular Season Matches V/JV/MS Begin: week of Feb 3
Regular Season End: April 12
Varsity Postseason Begins: week of April 14
All athletes must have the required FHSAA Paperwork (see Resources page) turned in prior to a student-athlete being eligible to participate in conditioning, practices or games.
For homeschooling athletes, additional forms are required. See the Final Forms link below for more information.
Final Forms is the program we are using for our athletic paperwork. The program allows parents to register students, upload forms into the system and roll over the information from year to year. This program ensures paperwork isn’t misplaced and parents can keep the originals. Please do not turn in FHSAA paperwork to the school or the coaches.
Please click on the Final Forms link to begin the athletic registration process. Final Forms For assistance with the registration process, please click here
Cost per sport is $175 for CCS and CEO students. The fee for Homeschool students is $285 per sport.
The Great Base - Steve Smith is a solid source of data based tennis fundamentals that are logical and designed to make your game less injury prone and maximally efficient. We recommend all tennis players go to, sign up for an account (free), and watch through the building blocks course and the initiative course first. Then you can start on the long course which is tennis intelligence applied. Things like hitting off the cone, static shadow swings, dynamic shadow swinging, swinging the sock are all things you can do on your own for a few minutes at home.
2024 Varsity Tennis Team
2024 Middle School Tennis Team
1 Corinthians 10:31 (ESV)
So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.