Open Positions:
1 full time Elementary teacher
1 full time MS Science teacher--7th grade physical science and 8th grade earth/space science
1 full time HS Science/MS math teacher--10th grade chemistry; 7th grade math
1 full time HS English teacher--11th/12th grade English; dual enrollment English (Masters degree in English required)
1 full time HS Bible teacher--9th/10th grade Bible
1 full time or part time HS social science teacher--9th grade American History; AP US History
Substitute Teachers (Grades PK - 12th Grade)
Community Christian School has immediate openings for substitute teachers to be added to our current pool of available substitutes who serve in our Elementary and/or Secondary classrooms. Substitute teachers are needed when faculty members are out of the classroom due to illness, etc. Requirements for this position include an AA/AS degree or a comparable amount of training & experience to serve in this capacity. In addition, we are seeking solid, Christian role models with good judgment, a love for students, and the ability to provide instruction and effectively manage the classroom learning environment. If you are interested in the position, please complete the Support Staff Application available on our website. If you have any further questions, you can contact the school at (850) 893-6628.
Part time Afterschool Director (shared position)
Great part time position working during the school year and all holidays off! Students in the program are CCS elementary children, Kindergarten thru 5th grade. The Director will have 2 assistants to assist them on the playground and doing inside homework and activities. This position can be shared providing even more flexibility.
Applicants for Faculty positions must have the following:
¨ Minimum of a BA or BS degree
¨ Received Jesus Christ as Savior
¨ Clear philosophy of Christian education
¨ Active involvement in a local church
¨ Willingness to work with faculty and administration in the continuous assessment and improvement of student
progress, curriculum and teaching practices
¨ Excellent academic background in content areas, written and verbal communication and mathematics
¨ Ability to use technological tools appropriate to their employment area
¨ Hold or willing to work towards certification with ACSI
To apply, please fill out the appropriate application below and send it to Linda Morris. Please call us at 850-893-6628 with any questions.
The zip files below contain an Application, and three Reference Forms (for Employer, Pastoral, and Personal references). You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader (or equivalent) to view and/or fill out the files. Please fill out the first page of the Reference forms with your information, then forward them to your references. Your references can then send them to Linda Morris when they are completed.
Lamentations 3:21-24
Yet this I call to mind and therefore I have hope:
Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail.
They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.
I say to myself, “The Lord is my portion; therefore I will wait for him.”