Wish List

If you would like to help these teachers or classes with a special blessing, please consider funding or purchasing them at anytime!

    ● Teachers emails are linked for questions you may have about an item

    ● When possible, items are linked so you can see or buy them online. 

    ● If you purchase an item for a teacher, please contact Kathy Ciarlariello, (kciarlariello@myccs.org), CCS Marketing/Alumni Relations Coordinator,

so that we may thank you and remove the item from this list.

Joshua Eller - Secondary Principal

10 additional staff walkie talkies - $2000 for set of 10. These are needed for additional safety and communication, serving the increase of students at secondary this year.

Amy Dietz - Secondary Mathematics/STEAM

Wish List: https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/3761WJUYG9RTQ?ref_=wl_share

Mara Eller - Secondary Guidance

Christian Calling Software license for the senior class ($50 each) - $750 This software meshes vocational assessment with motivational gifts from Romans 12.

Dr. Lori Bouck - Secondary Science

Cordless Stereomicroscope - $345 ea (7 needed) This stereomicroscope will allow students to view larger items such as plants, insects, and rocks.  The cordless feature allows the microscopes to be carried into the field for observations.  We have 3 corded stereomicroscopes.  I would like to build a class set for labs, but any addition to our current supply would be helpful. *for Life Science, Earth/Space Science, Biology, Human Anatomy & Physiology

Hillary Underwood - Theatre and LETOUR


1. New Floor Spot

2, Photo Backdrop: https://a.co/d/hjcrVeD

3. Backstage Storage Closets (x2 desired)

4. Walkie Talkies Rechargeable Hands Free 2 Way Radios Two-Way Radio(6 Pack) with 6 Way Multi Gang Charger

5. Restroom Sign (right arrow)

6. Restroom Sign (left arrow)

7. Restroom Sign (arrow down)

8. Ticket Sales Signage Holder

9. Donations Box (x2)

10. Photo Light: https://a.co/d/iSXXjdN


1. Camera Tripod: https://a.co/d/8JmXJq2

2. Art Frame: https://www.amazon.com/LBECUA-Floating-Picture-Pictures-Display/dp/B0BMZQ4SPJ/ref=sr_1_10?crid=1SKEHJI97EQ0S&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.7smIeUAT4tJYVdw55iMbFNIbkgNGfHOf5ciuNoZuGjg6o7ZXE-Xbhn1S3cqyNMYTLWjpzEJ4DaWUdxcYlU4lHw.U3AJRjG8g8Jaz3CgGCuVfqbsN2QjqLkNRdVQ0CNSCvU&dib_tag=se&keywords=black+floating+frame&qid=1705007448&sprefix=black+floating+frame%2Caps%2C96&sr=8-10

3. iPhone Mic Lav: https://www.amazon.com/RoyAroma-Wireless-Lavalier-Microphone-Compatible/dp/B0CKTFVJF8/ref=sr_1_2_sspa?crid=PCGBLXS9HJF4&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.ut1VFTd6qPFeputzXbNGfAeUtKNyipga8su9_CMd1pecsZjbkQoJdV4BGbKuaatENcc03_u4NrbtlmwcsRu_mg.D-X-9XiI6AJg4Hoy_0Pa4OS7jMS4kLx-33jYOGkaD7E&dib_tag=se&keywords=lavalier+microphone+usb&qid=1705007297&sprefix=lavalier+microphone+usbc%2Caps%2C106&sr=8-2-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&psc=1

Money Donation for Auditorium Projects:

1. Build a ladder and safety bars around the top of the auditorium floor closets left and right for running spots from above.

3. Build stand-alone theatre ticket and/or concessions booth for the exterior of the auditorium under the breezeway.

Sheri Freeland - Physical Education

Bluetooth Speaker

Lorna Wolfkill - Athletics

  1. Size 5 soccer balls - any that are "NFHS" approved $39 (would like 16)

  2. Basketballs - Spalding TF-1000, 29.5" $55 (would like 12)

  3. Court volleyballs - Molten L2 $36 (would like 18)

  4. Scrimmage jerseys - youth and adult sizes - Blue and Red color is great $23 per set of 12 (would like 5 sets)

  5. New uniforms for middle school soccer team ($2250)

  6. New uniforms for high school soccer team ($2250)

  7. Athletic Clearance subscription - $895. This would virtually eliminate all the clearance paperwork for Athletics, Leadership and potentially other extracurricular activities.

  8. Sports teams are doing well this year, so having additional donations (up to $1000) to cover travel expenses would be a blessing!

Melinda Gernhart - Elementary Art

See art needs at https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/3MSIAXB3PQXOD?ref_=wl_share

Tables: https://www.wayfair.com/school-furniture-and-supplies/pdp/national-public-seating-30-h-wood-science-table-w003188695.html?piid=2092652450%2C2092661174

Lawson Smith and Educational Services Department Teachers

We would love the following resources to help students with various disabilities do their very best at school....

We Thinkers (volumes 1 & 2)  - Each volume included a set of 5 books used to help students think socially - especially useful for when a student with Autism is included in a regular general education class.

          Volume 1 $49 for set

          Volume 2 $49 for set

 A Great Leaps Reading Fluency Curriculum Along with Language Growth  for Tutoring weak readers $289 ( I would love 3 sets of this!)

Donna Berlinghoff - Elementary Music, Chapel, Computer Lab 

Lyons 6-piece Orff Instrument Set Standard, $1699.99
Item # 1108804 Model # KIT-499872

Classroom wish list: https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/1AH5435IUX4IY?ref=cm_sw_em_r_un_un_BzkoKWUy65zy2 

Julie Scarboro - Library

Cricut machine for making bulletin boards.


Christina Brannon - VPK

Classroom wish list: https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/3ELE9XDFRWW2O?ref_=wl_share

Cheryl Shaw - Kindergarten

Classroom wish list: https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/IUJ9DPDBTGNZ?ref_=wl_share

Susan Mullins - Second Grade

Classroom wish list: https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/SRWUS6FAI7PM?ref_=wl_share

Ashley Parker - Fourth Grade

Classroom wish list: https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/3LSIDW6486C8I?ref_=wl_dp_view_your_list

Ashley Gaskins - Fourth Grade

Classroom wish list: https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/3B5JDQN7Y1YJ7?ref_=wl_share

Michele Apple - Kindergarten

Would like built-in book shelves added in her classroom for a reading nook

Classroom wish list: https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/12S84F6YRPMUE?ref_=wl_share

Monica Lassiter - Elementary Phys Ed

Outdoor Chalk: https://gophersport.com/outdoor-chalk-bucket-set-1

Teaching Beanbags: https://gophersport.com/teaching-beanbags

Anna Nelson - Event Coordinator & Nurse

Large Cooler 

Large Letter Board

Large Griddle

Vicki Locurto: VPK

Large Carpet for VPK: Rug

Classroom wish list: https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/BZ59PD12XDA4?ref_=wl_share

Carrie Tharpe: Third Grade

Classroom wish list: https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/3TWKIBWFUFB8B?ref_=wl_share

Gift cards: Teachers pay teachers, Goodwill Bookstore

Amber Gaines: Fifth Grade

Classroom wish list: https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/3526BQWNHLTNK?ref_=wl_share

Sarah Inserra: Fifth Grade

Classroom wish list: https://www.amazon.com/registries/gl/guest-view/2L7FH6SWKDLPY