Lawson Smith
Educational Services Director
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CCS desires to bring honor and glory to God by teaching children to faithfully exercise and manage the gifts and talents they have been given. Every student at CCS is encouraged to discover the unique way God is fitting him or her together in the body of Christ for the purpose of co-laboring in the Kingdom of God.
Students who utilize the various supports, services, and programs offered by the Educational Services Department are taught by qualified and devoted staff who provide personal and encouraging support to their students, and maintain regular communication and consultation with both the parents and the classroom teacher(s). The following supports, services and programs may be recommended or required for students with documented learning differences:
A parentally placed private school student with a disability does not have an individual right to receive some or all of the special education and related services that the student would receive if enrolled in a public school under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), as amended
+ Accommodation Plan
Because CCS is not a public school, we do not write IEP’s or 504 Plans. However, an accommodation plan may be developed based upon recommendations documented in the student’s psycho-educational testing and by CCS’s ability to implement the accommodation. The accommodation plan is developed and managed by the Educational Services Department and is reviewed annually.
No Additional Cost (unless the accommodation(s) must be delivered by Educational Services Staff)
+ Academic Tutoring
Students receive academic assistance and support in a small group setting (2-4 students) with an Educational Services Staff Tutor. Remediation of academic skills, re-teaching, pre-teaching, accommodations implementation, and organizational help are provided during tutoring sessions to help the student grasp and retain the required academic material. Students are pulled out of class 1-3 times per week for 45-50 minute sessions. Individual tutoring is available at an additional cost for students who require a 1:1 student/tutor ratio.
+ Resource Instruction
Students receive small pull-out instruction daily in small groups (2-4 students) in a particular core subject area by an Educational Services Resource Teacher. These students are typically working below grade level in Math or English Language Arts. The Resource Teacher plans the instruction, teaches concepts and skills, and provides grades and assessments. Individual resource classes are available at an additional cost for students who require a 1:1 student/teacher ratio.
+ Compass Program (for students with Autism Spectrum Disorder)
Students with high functioning Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and other related disabilities receive strategic interventions through the COMPASS program. Students undergo a functional assessment, program planning, and receive individualized interventions that are grounded in the latest educational and brain research. Social/Communication skills and emotional regulation are developed and supported as students navigate CCS’s general education curriculum.
+ Supported Online Class Instruction
Secondary students with documented learning differences may receive small group, pull-out instruction daily by an Educational Services resource teacher for an online class in a core subject area. A blended approach to instruction is used in which the CCS resource teacher may pre-teach academic content, assist with assignments/assessments, or review material already covered in the online class. The online class teacher is the teacher of record, and grades are given by the online teacher. The CCS resource teacher serves as a daily tutor for material covered in the online course. Supported online instruction is reserved for secondary students only.
+ Bethesda Academy at Community Christian School
For students who require an alternative to the general education curriculum
Who We Are
The Bethesda Academy at Community Christian School is designed for students with documented learning differences whose educational needs require a functional curriculum as an alternative to CCS’s general education curriculum. This program is rooted in the Gospel of Jesus Christ and qualified students will be immersed in a biblical world view. Students are encouraged to reach their fullest potential in spiritual formation, individual growth, real-world skills, and inclusion into the Shalom Community at CCS. Bethesda Academy provides an effective educational pathway for students to transition into adulthood, especially as students approach 12th grade graduation. Upon graduation, a certificate of completion is granted to students instead of a general diploma.
Student Qualifications
Rising 6th – 10th grade students with documented learning differences in one or more areas (intellectual disabilities, autism, others). Various evaluations and documentation are required. FES-UA Step Up scholarship accepted.
Our Comprehensive Approach
Spiritual Formation Bethesda Academy students are immersed in a biblical world view throughout all curricular activities at CCS. This environment encourages students to deepen their relationships with God.
Functional Academics Functional Academics in Math and English Language Arts are taught as an alternative to traditional general education classes. This allows students to progress at a pace that is tailored to their needs. An emphasis is placed upon applying Math and ELA skills in “real-world” settings. Qualified students must have emerging reading and math skills to enter the program.
Inclusion Inclusion allows students to develop skills and knowledge in various elective and Bible classes. Students fully engage spiritually and socially with age appropriate peers and faculty/staff throughout the CCS campus. Students are included in CCS’s general education program for 1-2 classes throughout the school year. These classes may be age appropriate Bible classes, electives (PE, Art, Music, etc.) Non-academic activities such as lunch, field trips, service opportunity trips, and mission trips provide additional inclusion opportunities.
Leadership Program Bethesda Academy students may participate in CCS’s Leadership Program through retreats, service days, wilderness adventures and mission trips to promote character development in courage, wisdom, justice, and charity. The biblical definition of serving and leading are developed in each student.
Vocational Skill Development The mastery of individualized vocational skills are critical for Bethesda Academy students, especially as they transition to adulthood after graduation. A good portion of the Bethesda Academy curriculum is dedicated to the development of vocational skills. Areas of focus include continual assessment of skill levels, aptitudes, and student interests/preferences through vocational activities. These goals may be achieved through school-based micro businesses, campus centered activities as well as community-based instruction. These evidenced-based practices provide the students with an opportunity to learn skills in a “real world” setting whether they are on the CCS campus or in the local community.
Independent Living & Recreation Skill Development The development of independent living skills (including recreational activities) is just as important as developing vocational skills. While many independent living skills are more appropriately taught in the home, they can be addressed in the school setting as well. Some areas of focus include personal hygiene, cooking, personal finances, and housekeeping. Independent living & recreational skills are also developed in “real world” settings on campus or in the community through community based instruction.
Transition Focus Throughout the students’ enrollment at Bethesda Academy, a focus on transition to adulthood is important. This focus intensifies as students approach graduation. In addition to the functional curriculum and inclusion activities, opportunities to connect and explore transition community resources and programs will be offered to students and their families.
Bethesda Academy Parent Testimonies
“Bethesda Academy has provided my middle school son with an environment where he can grow into the best version of himself. Targeted, tailored academics, combined with opportunities to build life and vocational skills has allowed him to grow in confidence. The teachers cover him in prayer and celebrate him as an image bearer of God. They see his uniqueness as a gift and not a burden. This is a great comfort for us as parents when we send him to school each day.”
Kara M.
“Bethesda Academy has been such a blessing for our family. Our high school daughter is learning skills and being exposed to valuable experiences that will greatly enhance her transition into adulthood.”
Sarah M.
“Bethesda Academy is the answer to many years of prayer for our daughter. The opportunity to learn important life skills and pursue academics at her level while also experiencing class time with her same-age peers is exactly what she needed.”
Katie H.