A Message from the Head of School Tom Argersinger

Dear Parents and friends of CCS,

I hope this edition of Parent News finds you well and walking in the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ!

Even now, in the dog days of summer, there is much activity on our campus, from curriculum ordering to soft washing our buildings (shout out to Anthony Johnson and Wash Proz) painting and making minor repairs; from creating berms to redirect water (shout out to Bryant Buckner and Quest Engineering) to interviewing a large new crop of candidates for admissions (we are looking at at least 415 students for 2024-25, up from 403 in 2023-24). 

We are also looking forward to welcoming a class of new faculty and staff to join the Corps (our term for all of our employees). We are continuing to research, read and study, improving many areas of our school - and there’s much more to do! 

And yes, those of us who are 12 month employees are also finding time to be before the Lord and listen to Him, and spend some much-needed R&R with our families.

One of the most exciting new things for us here at CCS is our leasing of the new Kings Crossing space (formerly Maple Street Biscuit) in the Four Oaks Plaza across from our Main Campus. 

Kings Crossing was a key acquisition for us. With this 3700 square foot space we are able to not only create more classroom space for our growing High School, but to combine that goal with the vision of creating a center for ministry to our school community and also to the broader community of the Tallahassee Metro region.

We have many plans for this space:

  • Hosting an event series, to include

    • Prayer events

    • Training and equipping in Biblical worldview, particularly for parents.

    • Various other school events, including the Elementary School Author Presentations.

  • Providing a new home for existing some key CCS programs

    • The filming of the Gospel Centered Education podcast.

    • A new rehearsal space for LeTour, our multi-arts performing ensemble

  • Eventually, renting the space to various groups in the Christian community

  • Hosting the new Ascend Program for Seniors, focused on calling and resting time and space to build relationships with local businesses and academic institutions, providing more opportunities for transitioning to college and the world of work.

Kings Crossing is scheduled to open in early August, and we are planning a public dedication of the space to the work of the Lord once school begins.

Also on the physical space front, our crews are hard at work (shout out to Robert, Josh, Lindsey and Isaac for the incredible dedication) retrofitting and building out the former Primary Building carport into a multi-purpose room that will provide dedicated space for our After School Program as well as our growing Educational Services program.

There are many other things that God is doing this summer at CCS, and we’ll be sharing those in the weeks to come. We’re so very grateful for how He continues to bless our school.

In closing I want to give honor and glory to God for the incredible Corps He continues to assemble at this great school. As culture continues to evade Biblical truth, our mission as a Christian School has never been more clear, nor more essential. 

I’ll leave you for now with this:

Therefore, brothers and sisters, in view of the mercies of God, I urge you to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God; this is your true worship. Do not be conformed to this age, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may discern what is the good, pleasing and perfect will of God. Romans 12: 1-2 CSB

May we be good stewards of this calling, for His greater glory and for the betterment of the wonderful families we serve.

For CCS and the Kingdom of God,
