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Now that I am a mother, my appreciation for CCS has grown immensely. I could share story after story of how the Lord has used teachers and staff to encourage our children in their gifts and abilities that the Lord has given them.
— Lindsey Wester

Alumni Feature

Lindsey (Sarvis) Wester

I went from attending a public elementary school to attending CCS for my middle school years. The middle school years are such a time of growth in everyone’s life and I can see how God was at work in mine. He used CCS to protect me from being exposed to many things, encourage me in my walk with the Lord and surround me with adults who genuinely loved me and lived out their faith.

Fast forward to today— I received my undergraduate degree from the University of Florida and a Masters of Arts in Religion from Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary. I am married to Justin Wester, a local pastor and author, and we have four kids together. I have the opportunity to be a stay at home mom and pour my time and energy into our children and also the friends and families that Lord brings into our life.

My life seems to have come full circle and now my kids are attending CCS! It is such an incredible gift! Now that I am a mother, my appreciation for CCS has grown immensely. I could share story after story of how the Lord has used teachers and staff to encourage our children in their gifts and abilities that the Lord has given them. Also, the sweet families and children that we get to do life with are invaluable.

We love you, CCS Family!!!