A Message from the Head of School Tom Argersinger

The Necessity of Prayer

Dear Parents and Friends of CCS,

May this issue of Parent News find you experiencing the grace and goodness of God!

You may have seen some communication around the upcoming Prayer Furnace on Monday, April 29, 6:30-8:00pm in the CCS Auditorium. 

Some have been wondering what this event is all about, and why we’ve scheduled it into an already busy calendar.

I’ll answer the second question first.

A number of us in leadership have sensed the need for concerted prayer for the CCS community. A number of families are experiencing very painful situations, are trying to move through traumatic events and are generally just struggling with the daily-ness life in a broken world. 

Prayer Furnaces are often a part of High School students’ spiritual formation experience, and are employed to great effect on various trips.

We are being obedient to our Father in heaven by scheduling and preparing for it: we operate on a simple approach that by His grace has allowed us to see God in powerful ways over the years:

Create space for God to Work

Expect Him to Work      

Praise Him Whatever He Does

As to the first question, I include an excerpt from the Prayer Furnace info sheet that should help explain what it is and how it operates.

Welcome to the Prayer Furnace!

Focus: Revival & Awakening at CCS in the Tallahassee Metro region; Parents, Students and others who need help, deliverance and reconciliation

Our desire is to create a sacred space that is set apart for God’s glorious presence, where the children of God can pray, worship, read and meditate on the word of God, and follow God’s lead in interceding for those people & issues that are on His heart. Please note the following:

  • A Prayer Furnace is a place where people who love Jesus meet to give space for the Spirit of God to move freely, filling us, changing us and our city through worship and prayer, in harmony with the word of God. (Isaiah 6)

  • The term “Furnace” comes from the understanding of God as a consuming fire. (Heb. 12:28-29)

  • Our main purpose here is to pray; this is not a formal church service.

  • The atmosphere of the Prayer Furnace is relaxed, so you may come and go as you please. We do ask that you maintain a reverent attitude as you enter and leave the room, and as you enjoy God’s presence within.

  • No one will be forced to pray aloud, or do anything else they don’t feel comfortable doing.

  • If you are led to pray over someone else, ask their permission first. Keep it brief and to the point. Please lay hands only on the shoulder of the same gender person, after asking permission to do so.


  • Movement I: asking the Lord to reveal sin in your life, confessing it by agreeing with Him that you have sinned. Be specific. Then, as you receive His forgiveness, you will be prepared to bring requests before His throne.

  • Movement II:  encountering God alone, with pre-recorded worship playing. Feel free to pray & worship alone, as well as with or over others as the Lord leads. 

  • Movement III: worshiping God together, where live worship & prayer is intermingled with the word of God.

  • Movement IV: praying corporately for issues and topics for which God is burdening our hearts 

  • Movement V will be an optional time of ministry for those who would like to remain for a while in God’s presence and receive ministry, counseling and prayer for specific struggles or concerns.

Adults and mature children are encouraged to attend. There is no childcare provided, and there are lengthy quiet spaces that may be difficult for younger children to enjoy.

Please make plans to attend. Bring your Bible and an open heart to receive all that God has for you.

May God the Father, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit who proceeds from them, receive all of the glory as we continue to move step by step toward becoming a truly extraordinary school, for the greater glory of God.

For CCS and the Kingdom,
