A Message from the Head of School Tom Argersinger

Dear Parents and Friends of CCS,

I hope this edition of Parent News finds you resting in the love of the LORD.

We are fresh off of our Board of Trustees Master Planning Retreat on Friday, February 21. What a terrific time we had, as we listened together to hear God’s voice regarding a comprehensive vision for our school over the next 3-5 years.

A clear consensus emerged over the course of the day, and we are now continuing to vet the process and the outline of a vision & strategy that is forming.

Giving context to this ongoing discussion is the reality that we are continuing to experience our busiest admissions season to date, and classes continue to fill up.

We will be sharing much more about the vision over the next three months:

  1. March 25

    Our Board President, Chuck Adcock, will be joining us on the Gospel Centered Education podcast on March 25. We will be discussing the great things going on at CCS, as well as beginning to cast a visionary eye forward into the future God is preparing for us as a school.

  1. April TBA

    I will be presenting a State of the School message, in person and via Livestream. After a time of worship, we will dive into an in-depth overview of our school and where our growth will likely take us.

  1. May  22

    End of the Year Program, featuring a Board presentation regarding the vision of CCS

In closing, I’d like to share an excerpt from last week’s Parent News article that I believe bears repeating:

“It is important for us all to realize 2 important things:

  1. God is the only one that can ultimately make His vision a reality. Talent and experience are very useful, but ultimately God wants things done in His way in His time–-and He will provide the resources necessary to complete the task.

  1. God requires us to combine walking in human wisdom with walking in heavenly wisdom, being sensitive to the Spirit throughout the process.

This statement that summarizes our vision for our great school:

“CCS is a gospel-centered school that is on a journey towards extraordinary”. 

  1. This journey should evoke great humility in all of us. (1 Peter 5:6; 1 Chr. 29:12)

  1. This journey must be taken together. (Heb. 12:1)

  1. The true goal of our journey is Jesus. (Heb. 12:2)

  1. The journey must reflect a thoroughly Biblical worldview (Rom. 12:2)

“I often say that “An education rooted in Jesus Christ should be superior to all others.” This statement is less about competition with other schools, and more about the greatness of the God whom we love and serve, as well as the centrality of Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit to the whole enterprise of teaching and learning. 

Jesus is in fact the greatest teacher, and as the Creator-Logos He is the greatest context for learning that which is True, Beautiful, Good, and Real. (Genesis 1:1; John 1:1)

Jesus is worthy of our best work, and He is worthy of the full surrender of our very lives. 

As we grow together into the fullness of Christ (Eph. 4:13), we can experience His joy, His peace, His love, and the effectiveness that is the result of the Spirit of Jesus at work through His word implanted in us. (James 1:21).

And that, my friends, is what being an extraordinary school is all about.

Please pray that we will continue to listen well to the LORD of glory, and that we will obey with courage and compassion.

For CCS and the Kingdom,
