Parents and Friends of CCS,
I pray this edition of Parent News finds you walking closely with Jesus, and experiencing His endless love for you!
It recently occurred to me that we talk much about the Gospel here at CCS, and have even named our podcast “Gospel Centered Education”, yet it's been awhile since we shared the actual Gospel of Jesus Christ.
I built the following document for a middle school Bible class back in the day. It was designed to help students learn how to share the Gospel in simple language.
I thought it might be helpful to share it with you, since we understand as Biblical Christians that we cannot resolve the issues of our day, and even keep our family on track, without the power and presence of God. And that reality is rooted firmly in us becoming true children of God by hearing and embracing the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
1.1 God created humans as unique and special creations, designed to live in relationship with the God of the universe. In fact, we were made to be like Him in certain ways. We are not an accident; we have dignity and purpose because God created us as His “Image-bearers”.
1.2 A long time ago, man rebelled against a perfect God, and that relationship was broken. We then owed a debt to God we could not come close to paying.
1.3 God chose to deal with our rebellion and restore this beautiful relationship with man by sending his only son, Jesus Christ, to come to earth as a real man like us and give His life in payment for that debt.
1.4 Jesus is the Son of God, and lived a perfect life while he was on earth. He willingly died so that the debt we owed to God could be paid in full. In fact, He didn’t stay dead; He came back to life, so that we could again enjoy a personal relationship with him, we could refuse to rebel against God’s good boundaries for us, and successfully follow his teachings.
1.5 Anybody can know God personally if they believe that they have rebelled against a perfect God, and that they could not pay the debt they owe to God. Further, they must acknowledge that Jesus really is God’s son, and that he paid for us by dying and coming back to life. We also must realize that now He owns us, and deserves our full submission to His leadership.
1.6 As Christians we believe that everything was made by God and that the collection of His specific words to us, the Bible, is true. In fact, we believe that the Bible was inspired by God. That is, He guided people in exactly what to write down. The Bible tells us who He really is, what He is like and how we can live in harmony with Him.
1.7 Since God made everything, it is important that we learn how to see the entire world the way God does.
1.8 But most importantly we need to learn how to know, love and follow the God who made us, and who loves us so much that He was willing to die for us. Then we are able to love other people like He loves us. In all of this He has given us a clear and powerful reason to live.
1.9 As we live our life the way God designed it to be lived, He is shown to be glorious, and we flourish even through suffering. We will enjoy fellowship with him, experiencing His powerful presence both now and forever. And that is indeed good news!
1.10 A surrendered Christian buys into God’s vision, strategy & purposes for the Kingdom of God, and they make a firm commitment to follow His lead for His greater glory and the greater good of all whom they touch.
1.11 We must keep in clear focus the reality of the Gospel of the Kingdom, that is, how the Gospel is walked out within the rule and reign of God that is partial now, but will be fulfilled in totality when Jesus returns and makes all things right.
1.12 This means that as Christians we are to move toward culture in a redemptive way, and not away from it – while still employing wise discernment and joy.
Ephesians 2; John 3, 14-17; Romans 6-8; Matthew 28
May God richly bless you, your family and the people you meet today as you live this and share this with peace and joy.
For CCS and the Kingdom,