A Message from the Head of School Tom Argersinger

Thank you for a great year!

Dear Parents and Friends of CCS,

I pray this edition of the Parent News finds you walking in the safety of the Lord Jesus Christ.

This has been an incredible year, with so many joys and some challenges as well. Through it all, God has been faithful, and has been our refuge and our strength.

I find myself thinking back over the year, and being grateful. Grateful for you, for all of the students and for the Corps (Faculty and Staff), who dedicate their lives everyday to the service of your families.

We’ve seen so many improvements this year, especially in the area of security. For example, we are thankful still for the incredible outpouring of support we received through the most successful Fun Run ever.

By the way, you may have already received a note from our Director of Security, Ray Hernandez, that will provide an update on the work that he’s been doing to upgrade our security systems. It’s all very encouraging.

Our future is bright as well. God is providing some very exciting new growth and expansion here at CCS, as well as some additional space for 2024-25.

  1. The Ascend Program, which provides a new look for the Senior year in a new physical space, laying the foundation for a robust internship program to get our students professionally out into the community. 

  1. A new Health and Wellness Program, designed to help our students pursue healthy living in multiple areas of life.

There is much more that could be said about these, and over the summer we will reveal more details about these and other new programs.

For now though, I’ll begin to close with our theme passage for the year, 1 Corinthians 16:13-14:

Be alert, stand firm in the faith, be courageous, be strong.

Do everything in love.

So simple, so profound, yet so difficult to live out – and so easy to rationalize our way around. 

As humans we are experts in assuming we are innocent and others are guilty. Unfortunately, worked out over time, this misunderstanding can lead us toward anger, unkindness and unforgiveness.

These verses are a great reminder to look in the mirror as we stand up for the truth, and consider the attitude we bring to every encounter.

Finally, from the book of Romans:

We have also obtained access through Him by faith into this grace in which we stand, and we boast in the hope of the glory of God. Romans 5:2 [CSB]

This statement of gospel truth provides the strong and resilient boat that allows us to ride the waves of life, through the inevitable crests and troughs, safely and without harm to our souls. 

This summer, may we press into the reality of God’s amazing gospel-powered grace, which alone can provide us the only stable surface on which to stand up to the rigors of life in this world.

May we come to realize afresh that our only boast in this life is indeed the hope we have in Jesus, as He reveals the very glory of God.

May God keep you safe and well as you walk gracefully with Him this summer.

For CCS and the Kingdom,
