A Message from the Head of School Tom Argersinger

Dear Parents and Friends of CCS,

May this issue of Parent News find you experiencing the grace and goodness of God!

In this week’s post I’d like to focus on two of the 10 Distinctives of Gospel Centered Education.

These Distinctives lie at the heart of our CCS@50! Vision, and are unique to how we carry out our mission here at CCS.

I share these distinctives not to boast that we are necessarily superior to other schools, or that we do all of these things perfectly, but simply to suggest that not all educational programs come from the same perspective. This is the pathway that God has laid out for us, and we rejoice in it and celebrate its uniqueness.

Please note that these do not represent everything we do or hold to be important, but are listed either because they are not, to our knowledge, practiced at other schools, or are practiced in a singular and unique way here at CCS.

This week we’ll focus on Distinctives 7 & 8.

  • Distinctive 7 The gospel of the Kingdom breeds innovation. “Thinking God’s thoughts after Him” enables us to use our God-given gifts to glorify Him through our creative contributions to a society desperately in need of forgiveness and salvation.

Creativity and innovation is more important than ever, and is an expected and valued part of our work in the world. Here at CCS we infuse instruction with the development of these crucial capacities through real world problem solving and scenario-based learning.

  • Distinctive 8 Serving intellectually gifted students, those who struggle academically, and those who fall somewhere in between. This turns out to be a unique vision even for a Christian school. 

As God moves us forward in this, we hope to increase the number of students who are able to access a CCS education. This also presents certain challenges as we expand our campus and deal with the inevitable challenges that accompany it. As leaders we are reminded daily that this ministry-organization moves forward primarily on its knees, and, sometimes, on our faces before the Lord of glory. 

He is the One who birthed this great school through the vision, investment and hard work of a handful of faithful people, and it is He who sustains it moment by moment in the midst of the increasing challenges of the 21st century.

Next week we’ll take a look at the final two Distinctives, 9 & 10.

In the end, it is our prayer that sharing the vision that God is currently downloading will be another step toward furthering His agenda for gospel-centered teaching and learning at CCS. 

May He receive all of the glory as we move step by step toward becoming a truly extraordinary school.

For CCS and the Kingdom,
