A Message from the Head of School Tom Argersinger

Dear Parents and Friends of CCS,

I pray that this issue finds you well and flourishing in the Lord Jesus!

It’s been an exciting week on campus as our two modular buildings, housing two classrooms each, were installed on our beautiful campus. 

The process of installation by some very skilled workmen was fascinating, and we engaged various classes in the process of observing and problem-solving along with the workmen.

This addition of physical space is crucial as our CCS family continues to grow, and God blesses us with more great families to serve. 

As we contemplate this potential growth, first we are grateful to the God who gives all increase. While we are aware that the recent availability of state support has increased access for many new families, fundamentally we know that God is working on our behalf, and sustaining His ministry in such a way that we can continue to give Him all the glory!

Please continue to pray with us that we will continue to pass all of the necessary inspections, and can look forward with hope to our Certificate of Occupancy being issued in late September or early October.

I’d like to close this week’s article with a shout out to the outstanding people that contribute everyday to making Community Christian School the special place that it is: our wonderful faculty, administration and support staff. - what I collectively call the Corps. Without outstanding people, no school (or any organization for that matter) can claim to be great. CCS has surely been blessed by God in this area.

I believe that the evidence is clear: God is actively moving CCS from being a great school to an extraordinary one - all for His maximum glory.

Thank you for your investment in your children through choosing a top tier Christian education for your children. And may God return that investment to you 100-fold!

For CCS and the Kingdom,

Tom Argersnger, Head of School