Lawson SmithEducational Services Director 

Lawson Smith

Educational Services Director 

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We believe every child is uniquely designed and created by God and that children learn in different ways.  We also seek to provide opportunities for children to work and learn together in ways that will lead them to a greater dependence on God as they answer His call on their lives. Therefore, we desire to bring honor and glory to God by teaching children to faithfully exercise and manage the gifts and talents they have been given. Every student at CCS is encouraged to discover the unique way God is fitting him or her together in the body of Christ for the purpose of co-laboring in the Kingdom of God.

Students enrolled in Educational Services programs are taught by qualified and devoted staff who provide personal and encouraging support to their students and maintain regular communication and consultation with both the parents and the classroom teacher(s).


Academic Tutoring

Students receive academic assistance and support in a small group setting (2-4 students) with an Educational Services Staff Tutor. Remediation of academic skills, re-teaching, pre-teaching and organizational help are provided during tutoring sessions to help the student grasp and retain the required academic material. Students are pulled out of class 1-3 times per week for 50 minute sessions. Individual tutoring is available at an additional cost for students who require a 1:1 student/tutor ratio.

Resource Instruction

Students receive small group, pull-out instruction daily in a particular core subject area by an Educational Service Resource Teacher. These students are typically working below grade level in Math, Reading and/or Writing. The Resource Teacher plans the instruction, teaches concepts and skills, and provides grades and assessments. Individual resource classes are available at an additional cost for students who require a 1:1 student/teacher ratio.

Compass Program

Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and other related disabilities receive strategic interventions through the COMPASS program. Students undergo a functional assessment, program planning, and individualized interventions that are
grounded in the latest educational and brain research. Social/Communication skills and emotional regulation are developed and supported as students navigate CCS’s general education curriculum.


Students may be eligible to participate in the Educational Services Program.  The first step in the admissions process for students with special learning needs is the completion of the Educational Services Admissions Screening Checklist.  The submission of all items listed in the checklist for review by our Educational Services Committee along with a $50 non-refundable screening fee is required.  (Link below.)  The Educational Services Committee will assess whether or not we can serve the student effectively before proceeding further with the admissions process.

The following grades are capped for Educational Services students for the 2017-18 school year at this time:

  • K
  • 1st
  • 3rd grade - 8th grade
  • 10th & 11th grade

Educational Services Admissions Screening Fee

Along with items listed on the checklist, this fee will secure your review by our Educational Services Committee.


Lamentations 3:21-24

Yet this I call to mind and therefore I have hope:
Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail.
They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.
I say to myself, “The Lord is my portion; therefore I will wait for him.”