On Saturday, March 24, 2018, over 300 people attended the Let Your Light Shine gala and silent auction, celebrating 40 years of Community Christian School.
They enjoyed Keynote Speaker Pam Tebow and performing artist Jonny Diaz, with celebrity guests Coach Bobby Bowden, Corey Simon, Chef Shac, FSU President John Thrasher, TCC President Jim Murdaugh, FAMU President Larry Robinson, and WCTV’s Julie Montanaro.
Sponsorships, tickets and a silent auction provided over $71,000 in scholarships to benefit 75 Community Christian students who rely on tuition assistance to attend the school they love.
Thanks to our sponsors: The Macedonia Fund, Mainline Information Systems, Summit Group, Johnson & Blanton, Prime Meridian Bank, MLD Architects, Capital City Bank, BestSellers Realty, The Boutwell Family, Blu Halo, SignalHouse Communications, TC Federal, The Buck Family, The Slade/Machado Family, The Grimes Family, The Prutsman Family, The Cannon Family, The Weldon Family, The Peters Family, The Buchner Family, The Community Christian School Board, Thompson Brock Luger CPAs, Jeff Jordan/Thrivent Financial, and special athletic sponsors Willow Tree Consultants and Brooks, LeBoeuf, Bennett, Foster & Gwartney, P.A.

CCS - Scholarship Story from Foraged Films on Vimeo.